With technical expertise from in house engineers as well as the technical backup from international partners, REPL has analyzed the present market situations and believe that it has the capabilities to take the advantage of its area of expert to thrive in the market.
Transportation in most essential factor for development and is the basic requirement of any consumers. World without travel is unimaginable and with our little effort if we can at least reduce the carbon foot print in our environment by using green energy.
Why be dependent on the energy imported from third countries when we have capacity to produce the abundant electric energy on our own country. Let’s go electric and develop the path for our country to be energy independent.
Participation of women in the financial progress of the family is very important for the economic growth of the country. With the promotion of the Electric Three- Wheeler in the rural sector, women can be trained for driving Three Wheeler, this could create the opportunity of the self employment among the women and thus can be the medium of daily income for their family.